Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Back Home Again

By Adrian Caine

Mariah stood in her pajama top—and nothing else--in the corner of the living room. Her arms were folded neatly behind her back, and her ample bare bottom showed clear evidence of a recent and very thorough spanking. It was a humbling posture to be sure, intended to underscore her current “naughty little girl” status.

All the more humbling, considering the fact that she’d just turned 21.

Returning home to live with her parents after graduating from college had not been Mariah's plan, but the soft job market had given her little choice. Unable to find a job and without any savings to set up on her own, she was forced to move back in with her parents and her two younger sisters. Her parents were great (they had paid her tuition right through school, after all); but they were also strict, old-fashioned, and unyielding in their views on family discipline.

Leaving home four years ago for school, Mariah had been certain she’d experienced her parents’ uncompromisingly strict regime for the last time. But here she was, bare bottom burning and displayed in the living room, just as in times gone by.

Her mother had taken a dim view of the nocturnal habits Mariah had developed while at college. There, no one objected to her late nights out on the town -- certainly not her roommate Tara, who’d been the quintessential party animal. But Mom had made it clear that while her eldest daughter was living in her house, she would keep decent hours. The first time Mariah came home after midnight without calling, her mother had told her this in no uncertain terms. The second time it happened—less than a week later—there had been a terrific row. Loud mutual recriminations, a fundamental disagreement about the applicability of family rules to adult offspring, and slammed doors.

Now it was the morning after, and Mariah was nursing a very sore behind, not to mention a terrific loss of dignity and wounded pride.

Four years had had no effect whatsoever on Mom’s ability to wield a hairbrush, Mariah mused ruefully. Not surprising, she supposed, considering the fact that the woman was young and fit, and still disciplined her two younger daughters on a fairly regular basis. Four years of going unspanked had certainly had an effect on Mariah, however! Not only had she forgotten just how effective a spanking could be; she’d also forgotten how quickly the humiliation of going over a parental lap for a pants-down attitude adjustment could reduce a young adult to the status of a squalling, begging child. Her shocked gasp as Mom had deftly yanked her pajama bottoms down had quickly given way to bucking, kicking, and crying as the family spanking brush did its work. That the matriarch had actually elicited tears by the end of the old-fashioned correction was the most humiliating part of all.

No, she reminded herself; that was most definitely not the worst part. The most humbling thing of all had been when she’d stood (her pajama bottoms long before kicked off in a frenzy) and allowed herself to be led by the hand, naked from the waist down, to the corner. There, still sobbing and sniffling, she’d needed no reminder to stand with her nose and toes touching the walls where they came together, and to fold her arms behind her back to keep from reaching back to rub her inflamed backside. A lifetime of spankings in her parents’ household had conditioned her most effectively to their punishment protocol.

Mariah had been standing here for quite a long time now; although she couldn't hazard a guess as to exactly how long it had been—such was the nature of corner time. Her sniffling had finally ended, though, and her arms were starting to feel rather cramped. Worst of all, now that the outrageous sting in her tail no longer occupied her consciousness to the exclusion of all else, she was painfully conscious of her nudity. Her father had gone to the hardware store this morning, and her sisters to the pool. How long until any (or all) of them returned? The thought of being seen by them in this humiliatingly juvenile pose was simply intolerable. Mariah’s twin sisters were seniors in high school; they would no doubt find it highly entertaining to see their worldly-wise, college-graduate older sister in a position they were still subject to (and which they utterly loathed). Her father would no doubt chuckle at the sight of his eldest daughter brought back under the rule of the household--and the evidence of the penalty paid for recalcitrance boldly displayed. Her face flaring to match her nether cheeks, Mariah imagined herself on the receiving end of some world-class teasing if not released from the corner soon.

Surely her mother wouldn't be so cruel as to leave her well-spanked behind on display for general inspection and comment long enough to give the rest of the family an eyeful of her thoroughly humbled condition, would she?

Time would tell.

Mariah shifted uncomfortably, her arms aching and her generously-proportioned bottom still stinging. She longed for just one good rub back there! To do so, of course, would be to risk another trip over Mom’s knee, a risk the current condition of her backside made her unwilling to take.

Mariah sighed. She hoped she could find a job and an apartment soon. Otherwise, she knew her smart mouth, independent habits and willful nature would no doubt land her right back in this corner, time and time again!   

Copyright © 2012 by Adrian Caine
All rights reserved

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